Visualizing eye leds in RViz

Opening Eye LEDs Panel in RViz



Instructions here assume you have installed and sourced the packages for this project.

In a new terminal, open rviz2:


From the menu bar, select Panels > Add New Panel Select Eye LEDs Panel, under naosoccer_rviz_plugins. You should see the plugin show up.


If you don’t see the plugin show up in the list, you probably forgot to run . install/ in your workspace after building the packages.

Visualizing LED Commands


The original rqt_publisher has a bug that doesn’t allow publishing arrays. To get around this, we build a patched version of rqt_publisher. In your workspace directory, run:

git clone -b foxy-devel src/rqt_publisher
colcon build
source install/local_setup.bash

There is a pending PR for this patch into the main repository.


In a new terminal, open rqt’s publisher plugin:

rqt -s rqt_publisher.publisher.Publisher

From topic, select /effectors/left_eye_leds (or /effectors/right_eye_leds) and click the + button to add a publisher.

Modify the r, g, b values between 0.0 and 1.0, for each LED. You should see the LEDs change color in rviz.

See also

nao_command_msgs/msg/LeftEyeLeds and nao_command_msgs/msg/RightEyeLeds for more details, such as the led locations.