Visualizing Nao in RViz

Below are two sets of instructions, for using either:

  • A simulated robot (rcss3d_nao) - with the SimSpark simulator using the NaoSoccerSim package

  • A real NAO (nao_lola) - using the Nao Lola package

Select the appropriate tab.

These are instructions for visualizing a simulated robot.


Before continuing with this tutorial, make sure you have installed SimSpark, NaoSoccerSim, ROS2 Nao Package, as well as the packages for this project. If you haven’t yet, install them now.

In a terminal, start the simulation server:


In a new terminal, run the simulated player node:

ros2 run rcss3d_nao rcss3d_nao


Simulated Nao publishes vision information as well as sensor information.

In a new terminal, start the nao_state_publisher:

ros2 launch nao_state_publisher

Finally, start rviz in a new terminal:

ros2 launch naosoccer_visualization_launch

Moving around in RViz, you should be able to see what the robot has observed.
